Our Scrum / Agile project planning approach allows us to focus on rapid delivery of business value through a continuous iteration of planning, delivery, quality control, and feedback.
As an organizational practice, continuous improvement means to plan the work, work the plan, study the results, and act accordingly. As a personal and professional practice, it means maintaining a relentless pursuit of excellence, and holding one another accountable to that standard. We believe that you are what you regularly do, and that excellence therefore is a habit.
WebFab works with our partners to gain a thorough understanding of their business model, as well as their goals and objectives. Through a continuous requirements, delivery, and feedback process, we offer a level of change-tolerance that is unique in the enterprise software industry. This empowers us to quickly pivot with your shifting business priorities, and deliver on crucial deadlines.
Software requirements typically have a shelf life. By implementing a Lean continuous feedback and discovery approach, we eliminate waste (re-work), and maximize customer value (deliverables). By clearly defining your goals, relevant metrics, and adjusting to moving targets, we provide a framework that moves at the speed of your business.